our mission


 Empowering: Japan’s mission is 4-fold:
1. Connect local churches and ministries together in relationship and outreach.

2. Equip, and train the Body into the identity of walking in the fullness of Christ’s sacrifice, including the operation of Holy Spirit inside and the spiritual gifts.

3. Mobilizing the church in presentation of the simple Gospel through public evangelism.

4. Plug people into ministries to serve their local community.

Empowering Japan believes that everywhere we go, we are the carriers of Jesus, and the carriers of the cure to every problem the world has! No matter if it is sickness, pain, fear, depression, anxiety, or other darkness, it has to go when we are around because we are the light of the world! That is why miracles were done through Jesus, the original disciples, and can be done through us!

     Christianity is an everyday lifestyle. Whether we are at a grocery store, a restaurant, on the streets, or in church, we carry the power of Holy Spirit and are the image of the Father in this lost and dying world. The Father is love, we are made in His image, so we are made in the image of love! That gives us no excuse not to love people unconditionally when we are in public! How are you portraying yourself different from the rest of the world in public? Can people see Jesus in you?

     Our mission is to equip the Bride into her identity, so we know who we are and we run with passion the race marked before us! We also desire to equip into Jesus-centered spiritual giftings. We have many supernatural tools available to us to be vehicles for the Gospel and to advance the Kingdom. We want to run in everything Jesus paid a price for us to have, and currently we have been equipping others to do the same. It’s not about us. It’s about Jesus, and everyone burning for Jesus so that we become a “Kingdom culture”! That is our hope for “Empowering Japan”. Everyone has something to offer, and we want each person who will come on our outreaches or will support us to use their gifting and anointing to sow into this nation. But we do it together as a team!